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Kal Bhojak

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KalBhojak on März 27, 2024
Hello, I recently watched a cool demo by Ian McDonald at HubSpot about the features of the new forms that are currently being tested as BETA. I believe it would be really helpful to have a visual representation (like a mind map) of a form an Beitrag ansehen
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KalBhojak on August 10, 2022
Hello, Is there a functionality, where one can activate/diactive workflows on specific time/date. This helps to auto turn off without the need to manually turn off workflows.
3 Antworten
März 13, 2024
Hi Megan, thanks for the update. These notifications help us to keep track of HubSpot enhancements of our ideas - benefits us all!
KalBhojak on Januar 22, 2024
Hello, IT would be great to allow, a stand-alone website to be tagged as 'page location' when assigning a webpage where a form is located. This will allow us to use a single form vs multiple forms but track them via page location tag in workflow Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
KalBhojak on Januar 22, 2024
Hello, I have seen this request trending since 2018 here. To elaborate further, a mechanism to create a master template, with the ability to select a single, multiple, or global application with updates for all the forms in HubSpot. Current Beitrag ansehen
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KalBhojak on Oktober 11, 2023
Hello, On the front end of a form e.g. website, the hidden form fields/options are hidden (if you turn fields off in the form itself in HubSpot), but on the back end under the contact file, when you use that question to show up as a property, th Beitrag ansehen
KalBhojak on Mai 15, 2023
Hello, I would like to inquire about the possibility of implementing a feature that allows us to segment the data from the 'HTML Click Map' based on the sections or hyperlinks that visitors have clicked or visited. Currently, the 'HTML Click Beitrag ansehen
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