
Member since ‎Apr 19, 2022
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alapierre on May 08, 2023
i would like to have a global system feature to Disable Auto ADD Record Images. Seems the image is imported from the of the email address ( ) & is not the same as the parent company. This can make company contact ide read more
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HappyChicken on April 20, 2020
I would like to see the option to unpublish a form and or to set a limit to the submissions. For example I would like to set a limit of 100 submissions due to a webinar subscription. November 7, 2022 Edit: 931 days and counting. Can someone ple read more
152 Replies
March 01, 2023
i would like to simply unpublish a form vs delete, to ensure identification of an inactive form.
Rivet-Works-B on February 07, 2018
Our app is available in multiple app stores that we would like to direct people towards on a form. To accomplish this, we want to add rich text to a hidden dependent field that would guide the end user to a outside link based on a drop down field. read more
45 Replies
February 07, 2023
i did the same & created a rich text property, but not implement it as a dependent field on a form SMH
alapierre on November 28, 2022
we connected salesforce a few years ago however we no longer use this Hubspot support says " Yeah, so in this case you need to go here That is setti read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
November 30, 2022
hi I am an admin with full privileges SFDC was removed & is no longer active on the account (since the year 2019)
alapierre on November 28, 2022
we connected salesforce a few years ago however we no longer use this Hubspot support says " Yeah, so in this case you need to go here That is setti read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
November 30, 2022
hi I am an admin with full privileges SFDC was removed & is no longer active on the account (since the year 2019)
alapierre on November 28, 2022
we connected salesforce a few years ago however we no longer use this Hubspot support says " Yeah, so in this case you need to go here That is setti read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
November 30, 2022
hi I am an admin with full privileges SFDC was removed & is no longer active on the account (since the year 2019)
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