
Member since ‎Apr 19, 2022
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Melissa Brownlee

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MBrownlee on January 12, 2023
When trying to move my lists into folders, the folders do not collapse making it difficult to quickly see where I would like to move to sort. It is a simple request but something that bugs me multiple times throughout the week. It would also the read more
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MBrownlee on October 10, 2022
Hello, I am having the same issue. I am the Super Admin for our HubSpot instance. I reordered the IP city, state, country to group together a while ago and still new and existing Where I am going to edit Where is has been edited Wher read more
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July 07, 2022
Hi @EKao and @karstenkoehler , I am a super admin and have the same issue. I am trying to export data for specific ranges (quarterly). I am more
May 31, 2022
I agree. To automate adding +60 points to a score for any [DEMO] request, I was able to create an active list based on recent conversions containing more
MBrownlee on April 19, 2022
I would like to have the option to remove "Select a workflow" from the Salesforce iframe. This is not an option I would like my team members outside of Marketing to have the option to do or be able to see that option in the iframe. This can cau read more
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