
Membro desde ‎abr 17, 2022
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Ben Gale


Julho 21, 2022
I've noticed if multuple get assinged to me in quick succession, over the course of a few minutes, the notifcations bundle together. Is this what...Leia mais
Julho 21, 2022
It is genuinely bonkers that this has been a request for years and we still can't set the default email to send from in the inbox.
BenGale on Julho 20, 2022
When you are on the ticket board and you click on a card, it opens the preview drawer to the left with details about the ticket. It would be useful if this also showed the open conversations as this is often where I need to be going. When you a Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
Julho 20, 2022
The notification is automatic as far as I know, I've not set up automations for it, I just get notified when I'm assigned to things. I could unde...Leia mais
BenGale on Julho 18, 2022
It seems like Hubspot is taking 5+ minutes to notify via email/slack/in-app that someone has been assigned to a ticket. It's so long with the speed that we handle tickets that these notifications can be useless a lot of the time and wrong the rest w Leia mais
5 avaliações positivas
5 Respostas
Julho 14, 2022
Yes this would be useful. It already seems backwards that I need to mark them as marketing contacts to be able to just send them an email automatical...Leia mais
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