
Member since ‎Apr 14, 2022
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Tim Ehrlich

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kathigross on August 18, 2020
We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
76 Replies
June 01, 2023
Please add this @hubspot
TEhr on November 07, 2022
Hi there, currently, it is too time-consuming to merge contacts and companies. I feel like there should be a faster way to do this. For example, you could add checkboxes besides contacts on a company-based view or the other way around and then eas read more
TEhr on November 06, 2022
Hey there, I don't know how Hubspot is showing contacts in which order currently. Is there some system to it like the last added contact is at the top? I would like to be able to manually sort contacts by drag-and-drop or position for example.
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3 Replies
November 06, 2022
Hi @karstenkoehler , thanks for your quick reply. Sorry, I should have clarified I'm talking about the contacts on a company-based view that you more
TEhr on November 06, 2022
Hi there, I'd like to have Hubspot associate every activity (note, call, meeting, etc.) with all contacts, companies, and deals that exist. Currently, I have to do it manually myself every time I create a new activity. Is this possible to enable read more
TEhr on November 06, 2022
Hey there, I don't know how Hubspot is showing contacts in which order currently. Is there some system to it like the last added contact is at the top? I would like to be able to manually sort contacts by drag-and-drop or position for example.
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3 Replies
November 06, 2022
Hi @karstenkoehler , thanks for your quick reply. Sorry, I should have clarified I'm talking about the contacts on a company-based view that you more
TEhr on October 15, 2022
Two ideas: 1. Enable to choose which tasks to sync to google calendar 2. Enable to not being able to create two different tasks for the same time, for example when having created a task with due date for 10:00 the next tasks could be auto-suggest read more
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