
Member since ‎Apr 13, 2022
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Kiwi-Strawberry on July 20, 2022
When I use Gmail there is an automation that helps composing emails. For example, after writing "Hi" it adds the reciepients first name. Sometimes it helps you complete a sentence or fix the wording of a sentence. It would be great to have the same read more
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RRichter on March 30, 2021
Hi, I have over 100 deals and I would like to create the same quote on each (ie, add just one $0 line item and have the same words and details for each). This is not possible at present, please implement a fix. Thanks
1 Reply
July 13, 2022
Great idea. I would love it too!
Kiwi-Strawberry on May 12, 2022
A wokflow should always update a specific property unless it was already manuly filled out. There are properties that are very important for reporting. These properties should be filled by the salespeope. Sometimes they dont fill it out, so a workfl read more
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Arne on February 13, 2019
I was shocked when I had to find out that simple +-*/ fields are not included in HubSpot Pro level. Not even for a limited number of custom property fields. Simply NOT AT ALL. HubSpot SalesHub is a commercial software and lacking the ability t read more
14 Replies
May 06, 2022
The fact that HubSpot limits calculated properties might be the prime reason not to use them. I am using it, but I would consider switching to a bet more
BigDaddyBear on September 22, 2021
On a pro licence we have access to 5 custom calculated properties - this is not enough! An enterprise licence would give us 200 custom calculated properties - this is WAY too many! Rather than forcing pro users to get creative with their wo read more
17 Replies
May 06, 2022
I would even be ready to pay some money to get more calculated properties! It is ridiculous that the only way to get it is to pay the high price for more
Kiwi-Strawberry on May 05, 2022
If a contact does not have an email address then it should take the first name and the last name and the domain the create a email adress. For some companies it should only take the initlas, and for others a diffrent pattern might be good.
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