
Member since ‎Apr 12, 2022
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Stéphane Burwash

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SBurwash on December 07, 2022
Good day, I was wondering if there was currently a way to easily query batch associations between 2 object types (ex: deals->contacts) instead of having to iterate through all known objects. This would greatly reduce our processing load
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2 Replies
December 07, 2022
Hi @Jaycee_Lewis , Thanks for the prompt response! This endpoint is made for creating multiple associations though, and not querying them, no? more
SBurwash on December 07, 2022
It would be incredible to get a batch endpoint for HubSpot associations between objects (deals, companies, contacts). This would allow us to easily query all associations and import them into our personal data workspace. From there, we can create read more
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SBurwash on December 07, 2022
Good day, I was wondering if there was currently a way to easily query batch associations between 2 object types (ex: deals->contacts) instead of having to iterate through all known objects. This would greatly reduce our processing load
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2 Replies
December 07, 2022
Hi @Jaycee_Lewis , Thanks for the prompt response! This endpoint is made for creating multiple associations though, and not querying them, no? more
camera on January 15, 2022
Hello people! I'm doing some requests to the Contacts endpoint to get all of my contacts. But, sometimes I get an error that I can't handle. I think that the server isn't responding to my request. There are a lot of contacts (700k) and I'm r read more
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3 Replies
August 24, 2022
I came accross this issue also; would there be a way to solve it? Our syncs take a long time since we need to iterate through all of our more
kimnguyen on June 23, 2017
Hi all, Is HubSpot planning to provide an API for the campaign objects? It does not seem possible to fetch the campaign and it’s related data with the API. There's this: But this read more
56 Replies
May 31, 2022
SBurwash on May 26, 2022
Good day, I'm currently working with the Web Analytics Events API ( ), and I was wondering if anyone had any insights on what the id field represented. My goal would be to be able read more
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May 27, 2022
Thanks! So my quest for linking events to campaigns continues 😉
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