
Member since ‎Apr 12, 2022
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Colin Perry

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Colin_Perry on December 13, 2023
We currently use business units to segregate teams in the UK and US. Our UK sales team uses HubSpot calling but our US team want to use the 8X8 integration for their calling. We've connected the 8X8 integration in the connected apps but not able to read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 13, 2023
Thanks @Jigar_Thakker , I thought that would be the case but I just wanted to check I wasn't missing a possible work around.
Colin_Perry on December 13, 2023
We currently use business units to segregate teams in the UK and US. Our UK sales team uses HubSpot calling but our US team want to use the 8X8 integration for their calling. We've connected the 8X8 integration in the connected apps but not able to read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 13, 2023
Thanks @Jigar_Thakker , I thought that would be the case but I just wanted to check I wasn't missing a possible work around.
Fabian93 on August 08, 2023
Hello all, for our admin team it is currently not easy to keep our system clean and offer users only what is relevant for their daily business. Specifically, it's about the form area in HubSpot, which unfortunately seems to be linked to the CTA area read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
September 07, 2023
Closing down of menus and restricting access to permissions is a really poor level of functionality within HubSpot. We don't want our sales team to more
Colin_Perry on March 10, 2023
When someone makes a purchase through our website they will receive an order confirmation email, which has been set up as a transactional email triggered through a workflow. We also need a copy of that email sent to an internal email address but I read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
March 10, 2023
Hi @karstenkoehler Unfortunatley not possible to trigger from the contact. A contact could have multiple deals and each of those deals could be more
Colin_Perry on March 10, 2023
When someone makes a purchase through our website they will receive an order confirmation email, which has been set up as a transactional email triggered through a workflow. We also need a copy of that email sent to an internal email address but I read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
March 10, 2023
Hi @karstenkoehler Unfortunatley not possible to trigger from the contact. A contact could have multiple deals and each of those deals could be more
Colin_Perry on March 10, 2023
When someone makes a purchase through our website they will receive an order confirmation email, which has been set up as a transactional email triggered through a workflow. We also need a copy of that email sent to an internal email address but I read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
March 10, 2023
Hi @karstenkoehler Unfortunatley not possible to trigger from the contact. A contact could have multiple deals and each of those deals could be more
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