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Tori Cook

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toricook on Februar 22, 2021
Hi there, When performing deal merges in HubSpot, there is an option to search for the deal name that you would like to merge. For companies that have multiple deals, this can quickly become confusing because they all have similar names. We need Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
toricook on Februar 03, 2021
The reporting features for HubSpot's behavioral events are very limited. The only report type one can create is a funnel report. And on the funnel reports, the conversion % isn't even displayed! It would be great if HubSpot would a) add beha Beitrag ansehen
toricook on Januar 29, 2021
Hi everyone, I work for a SaaS company that sells to accounts. I'm in a contact-based workflow that is triggered from a behavioral event "Customer Upgraded Account" which indicates to us that a user has moved from their free trial account to Beitrag ansehen
Januar 30, 2021
Thanks! That certainly seems like the best solution. Of course, it would be even cleaner if HubSpot allowed behavioral events to be used as triggers ...Beitrag ansehen
toricook on Januar 29, 2021
Hi everyone, I work for a SaaS company that sells to accounts. I'm in a contact-based workflow that is triggered from a behavioral event "Customer Upgraded Account" which indicates to us that a user has moved from their free trial account to Beitrag ansehen
Januar 30, 2021
Thanks! That certainly seems like the best solution. Of course, it would be even cleaner if HubSpot allowed behavioral events to be used as triggers ...Beitrag ansehen
toricook on Januar 25, 2021
I would love the ability to bulk add, edit, or remove tags from blogs. Especially helpful during blog redesigns or restructuring your blog to be more search-friendly. Currently, you have to individually go into every post to edit a tag.
24 Antworten
toricook on Januar 11, 2021
We have a B2B company in which contacts and companies have a many-to-many relationship. One contact can be associated to multiple companies. And a company can have multiple contacts associated to it. HubSpot has a many-to-one relationship where Beitrag ansehen
Januar 12, 2021
Thanks, Bruno! That validates my own feelings as well.
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