
Member since ‎Apr 9, 2022
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Collin Caffrey

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AllyRRS on February 24, 2021
Hi I've updated my deals spreadsheet with the historical deals, but when I go to import it appears that Associated Contact (and the ID) are non-updatable fields. How do I import these easily without having to go into each deal on Hubspot and add read more
0 upvote
13 Replies
April 26, 2023
I don't recall this having worked for me in the past but I'll have to give it another go. Is there not a way to associate Company and Contact ID's more
CCaffrey on April 06, 2023
Hi all, Recently I've experienced what seems like a bug where deals are auto generating a blank contact in the 'Associated Contact'. Has anyone else run into this? This has happend to about 1/3 of my open deals. I haven't removed or deleted any p read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
April 07, 2023
Shoot, I deleted all the blank contacts. I'll have to try again once another blank contact is created.
CCaffrey on April 06, 2023
Hi all, Recently I've experienced what seems like a bug where deals are auto generating a blank contact in the 'Associated Contact'. Has anyone else run into this? This has happend to about 1/3 of my open deals. I haven't removed or deleted any p read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
April 07, 2023
Shoot, I deleted all the blank contacts. I'll have to try again once another blank contact is created.
AllyRRS on February 24, 2021
Hi I've updated my deals spreadsheet with the historical deals, but when I go to import it appears that Associated Contact (and the ID) are non-updatable fields. How do I import these easily without having to go into each deal on Hubspot and add read more
0 upvote
13 Replies
April 26, 2023
I don't recall this having worked for me in the past but I'll have to give it another go. Is there not a way to associate Company and Contact ID's more
DCPS on July 16, 2018
I have over 500 parent companies each with anywhere from 10 to 500 child companies that I really don't want to set all the realtionships by hand. I also have thousands of contacts that I need to relate to their companies. Please help...
37 Replies
April 27, 2022
@MShandor tried this exactly as you outline and it does not work. There is no way to select "Parent Company" during the import because it is a " more
DCPS on July 16, 2018
I have over 500 parent companies each with anywhere from 10 to 500 child companies that I really don't want to set all the realtionships by hand. I also have thousands of contacts that I need to relate to their companies. Please help...
37 Replies
April 27, 2022
@MShandor tried this exactly as you outline and it does not work. There is no way to select "Parent Company" during the import because it is a " more
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