
Membro desde ‎abr 8, 2022
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Rupert Allan


michaeljay201 on Abril 25, 2022
The new auto-formatting and validation feature for phone numbers is a step in the right direction. However, the current integration seems to be missing the mark with regard to user experience. I was unable to find any articles or posts in the He Leia mais
Maio 18, 2022
Ya, this is wild. Completely necessary to be able to update in bulk through a workflow. This is breaking my SMS integrations and CRM calling. Honestl...Leia mais
leo_csrt on Maio 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v Leia mais
163 avaliações positivas
96 Respostas
Abril 08, 2022
Please please please remove the 3 second timer. It's way too long and people are clicking out before the redirect which is killing our conversion tra...Leia mais
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