
Mitglied seit ‎Apr 7, 2022
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Felicia Pistorius

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FPistorius on September 06, 2024
Hi there, I know this is possible with a workflow but given that the properties are mixed between contacts and comapnies (hopefully deals soon as well) it gets confusing and difficult to get the Slack notifiactions right. It would be great i Beitrag ansehen
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FPistorius on August 30, 2024
Hi HS team, We share Slack channels with some of our partners who need real time updates on deals and activities but should not have access to our HS account. Would be hugely helpful if we could have the ability to remove the 'View in Hubspo Beitrag ansehen
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August 21, 2024
@IMcDonald Hi! 🙂 Has there been any movement on this yet? Thanks 😁
FPistorius on Mai 07, 2024
Hi! Different stages require different info and it would be really useful if users can set an association with certain contacts when a deal reaches a certain stage as a required field. Or if we could create a property field type that allows for Beitrag ansehen
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FPistorius on April 29, 2024
Hi! We share a lot of recurring reports to slack channels, email groups etc. and it gets difficult when trying to remember which ones have been set to send and which ones have not. Would be ideal if we could have a library of these reports u Beitrag ansehen
April 18, 2024
@JSPrenovost please do share where I can find the 'deal form edit stage' - thank you!
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