
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Nov 4, 2016
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Martin Ray

I am advising businesses on how online and digital impact their business and plan and execute a strategy to achieve maximum results in the digital age. Passionate about figuring out consequences, risks and opportunities while defining the optimal strategy for achieving full business results.


Martin_zooma on June 16, 2022
Today the "From address" in Loyalty surveys is a static field and you must choose a single email address as "From address". Most likely, the response rate would improve if it was possible to send the survey from a contact owner's email address in read more
2 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
October 01, 2021
Indeed - a crucial part of analytics if you want to understand what visitors are missing and trying to find. /MR
Martin_zooma on June 04, 2021
As more and more clients are turning to ABM - it would be great to be able to personalise content experience not only for known contacts in the database but also for anonymous visitors from companies you are targeting as part of an ABM strategy.
Martin_zooma on May 27, 2021
As it works now, there is no practical way of knowing when you are close to reaching the technical limitation of 10,000 associated deals per contact or company. It would be great to get a notification once you reach e.g. 9,000 engagements so that yo read more
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