
Member since ‎Apr 4, 2022
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Cheyenne Morgan-Bortone

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jlariccia on October 01, 2021
It would be highly beneficial to be able to report on marketing emails by subscription type. In other words, this would be the capability to group email performance data by its corresponding subscription, and save that report to dashboards. Righ read more
July 15, 2022
+1 to ESu. Realizing that there might be some subscription types that are not being used as often and could be combined with another subscription more
CMorganB on April 04, 2022
FOR EMAIL MARKETING I'm working on a re-design of our "manage subsciptions" page where users will have the possibility of opt-in/out of different email notifications. Currently, I am not able to view the number of emails that our company send for read more
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