
Member since ‎Apr 1, 2022
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Sam Statham

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SStatham on November 18, 2022
Hi When we are reciving repsonses against a ticket which is appearing in the inbox however its not linking to the original ticket. Can anyone advise what I am missing please? below is an example email in the inbox When i view the tick read more
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DigitaWeb on January 10, 2020
It would be useful to be able to manage the way ticket are named. Especially when the tickets are automatically created with Conversations. For instance, an user could set the Ticket name to be : Email subject + Contact Name and Company. read more
25 Replies
May 25, 2022
any update on this please? not being able to add company name in the ticket propities seems crazy! (on a card view rather than list) thanks
AmandaStutzman on January 11, 2019
It would be very helpful to see how much time chat representatives are set to available. Currently, reps could set themselves to away without supervisors knowing and ultimately reducing the number of incoming chats. In order to analyze reps effect read more
39 Replies
April 01, 2022
Hi are e any closer in getting this built please? thansk
MZ1 on May 21, 2020
It would be wonderful to be able to limit the number of chats a person can have on the go at one time. (ie. set a maximum number of chats per user.) Our team, in particular, is small and has other things on the go while on chats, but we have a high read more
28 Replies
April 01, 2022
I have never know a chat application without the ability to limit chats. This would be an excellent feature. This relieves the pressure from our more
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