
Member since ‎Apr 1, 2022
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Lyaisan Gayazetdinova

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LGayazetdinova on October 20, 2023
Hello everyone! 👋 I understand that to start making the first steps toward recovering from a Google October Core Update, I need to analyze the SERP (= compare pages that got higher positions during the update or kept their positions with my s read more
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LGayazetdinova on June 07, 2023
What does it mean if the traffic for long-tail keywords is rising, while the traffic for primary keyword is dropping for product pages?
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3 Replies
LGayazetdinova on June 07, 2023
Hi HubSpot Community! 👋 Does someone remember when these extended image packs in SERP features appeared? Is it a new feature or not? As far as I remember, there were always one-line image packs, and without these little tags above (pets, read more
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LGayazetdinova on January 19, 2023
Do links from pages that only contain keywords related to my page in their content, but don’t rank for them yet, helpful for my SEO? Do they give a relevancy signal to Google?
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LGayazetdinova on January 19, 2023
I’m now analyzing my backlink profile and wondering what links there are relevant and what is not. Some pages contain my keywords in their URL, title, and content, but they are not ranking for these keywords or related keywords according to read more
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4 Replies
January 19, 2023
Thank you! What about pages that only contain keywords (both main and specific) in their content, but don't rank for them? Are they helpful?
LGayazetdinova on January 19, 2023
I’m now analyzing my backlink profile and wondering what links there are relevant and what is not. Some pages contain my keywords in their URL, title, and content, but they are not ranking for these keywords or related keywords according to read more
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4 Replies
January 19, 2023
Thank you! What about pages that only contain keywords (both main and specific) in their content, but don't rank for them? Are they helpful?
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