
Member since ‎Mar 29, 2022
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Kristen Costello

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GabrielaM on December 01, 2021
At present, Goals are not available for Custom Object workflows, which is deeply limiting and very annoying as a feature. These should become available, as they are within the Contacts workflows, with the ability to reference any other associated ob read more
4 Replies
August 10, 2023
Agree with the above - if we're making custom objects, the whole point is to be able to reference them on the platform. This could make huge more
Anton on June 28, 2021
Hi Community, first of all: Saved sections in E-Mails are a real time saver! Thank you for developing this awesome feature. To let this feature be more over-the-top it would be a real time-saver if it would be possible to set (and save) sma read more
November 03, 2022
Yes please consider this! For email houses like ours (3 mil+ emails a year) - adding this feature could save us MASSIVE time when setting up our more
kcostello on May 11, 2022
It would be really cool if we could get data on our read rates/# of contacts who read the email stats more easily. Even if it is a bit fluffy - I would like to try to offer an additional engagement stat to track in Dashboards, Power BI, and another read more
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5 Replies
May 13, 2022
Thanks. Yes, we do a lot of email sends to a variety of different audiences. As much of a vanity metric it may be, I would still like to see if there more
kcostello on May 11, 2022
It would be really cool if we could get data on our read rates/# of contacts who read the email stats more easily. Even if it is a bit fluffy - I would like to try to offer an additional engagement stat to track in Dashboards, Power BI, and another read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
May 13, 2022
Thanks. Yes, we do a lot of email sends to a variety of different audiences. As much of a vanity metric it may be, I would still like to see if there more
kcostello on May 11, 2022
It would be really cool if we could get data on our read rates/# of contacts who read the email stats more easily. Even if it is a bit fluffy - I would like to try to offer an additional engagement stat to track in Dashboards, Power BI, and another read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
May 13, 2022
Thanks. Yes, we do a lot of email sends to a variety of different audiences. As much of a vanity metric it may be, I would still like to see if there more
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