
Member since ‎Mar 28, 2022
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prof. Andrey L. Kozik

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ProfAndreyK on February 23, 2023
Dears, this is my second attempt to use hubspot. The first one failed because of the poor functionality of the app. However, it has improved a lot. Impressive! But. We all see many evident UI/UX disfunctions. Please improve at least (Guys read more
ProfAndreyK on February 23, 2023
I apologize if I publish it in the wrong thread. However, there is an annoying bug with conversations tab in the mobile app for iOS. If you open an email and look at it for 1-2 min, then press "back" you get to the list of email, BUT, you get the read more
June 23, 2022
Many thanks for your reply! I'm sorry, but it doesnt match the needs expressed by many here or probably I'm mistaken. An easy question to check: more
June 13, 2022
Another shock that we still (2022) cannot log in-app chat activity. What a shame!
March 28, 2022
Agree. It is so strange that tickets cannot be approached [all of them] directly from the app. I feel iOS is a "stepdaughter" rather than a lovely more
March 28, 2022
Any development on iOS? I fiend app much limited in functionality.
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