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Member since ‎Nov 4, 2016
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kymag1c22 on November 28, 2018
It would be fantastic if we could setup a recurring email for a specific report. In my use case, we regularly export the sent marketing emails to csv and report on them. If this could be scheduled monthly to either send me an email or save to a read more
60 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
January 29, 2021
Being able to automate report export to csv is essential to streamline internal processes and reduce friction
Jana1 on April 08, 2019
We're using more than one email sending domain in our portal. But currently, it's not possible to set up email click tracking for different domains - we can only set up one. So it would be very helpful, if we could set up more than one click trackin read more
35 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
June 17, 2020
Currently, in HubSpot, all links in an email are directed to the click tracking domain (typically the primary email domain). While this is okay in more
dtempleton on July 31, 2019
I wanted to show Wistia video watches for specific videos in a report. I created a list for each video. I then build a report based on list membership and filtered in the new lists I created. Only issue is that I cannt filter out ALL the rest of the read more
23 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
March 18, 2020
Just upvoted - I've recently come across the same problem when creating reports. Having the ability to filter the lists that appear in the more
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