
Member since ‎Mar 23, 2022
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LRoy6 on November 14, 2024
I see in the above API documentation that you can pull events down for a given start or end time: . Is it possible to pull events for a specific wind read more
October 21, 2024
Hello! I am having a similar issue what worked for you and how did you submit a ticket?
LRoy6 on October 21, 2024
Anyone else having issues with HubSpot's APIs recently? I am using Python Scripts to paginate through API requests and I am getting a lot more "403" errors than usual resulting in a slower finish time. Did HubSpot change its rules around API pulls r read more
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LRoy6 on August 23, 2024
I am currently in the process of transitioning my company's ETL framework from using the APIs to using the Snowflake data share. Is there a specific dataset in the data share that can mimic what the Email Events API extracts?: https://legacydoc read more
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LRoy6 on May 20, 2023
I am trying to run some custom code in my workflow that involves reading a dataframe using pandas. However, whenever I run the code I get this error: Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'hubspotHandler': cannot import name 'pandas' read more
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