
Member since ‎Mar 14, 2022
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Mark Sterne

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UserLD on January 29, 2020
It would be great to have the capability to auto-save notes. I have lost some intel due to glitches in not being to save the note. Latest example was a note I took in a tab that sat for two days. When I went back to that tab I realized the note wa read more
65 Replies
August 11, 2022
If you add up all of the extra time HS users have spent re-writing notes lost from not auto-saving, the cost to add this capability should be more
rc1 on April 22, 2022
HubSpot already includes a Company field called WEBSITE URL that is clickable from the main company view. I would like to suggest that we should be able to create our own clickable link fields, I can see them being useful on any object but for u read more
3 Replies
July 14, 2022
This would also be helpful to have a clickable link to a contacts LinkedIn profile, currently we needed to set this up as a single line entry.
MSterne on April 01, 2022
Provide a search box to allow searching for a contact in the detailed contact view screen so we do not need to go back to the contact view and then go back to the detailed view once the new contact is found.
childsmd on August 24, 2018
During testing of a unique business case, I identified that an unassigned Contact will be automatically assigned a Contact Owner if an email is sent through a connected inbox. Example: contact John Doe does not have an assigned Contact Owner. Sally read more
46 Replies
March 28, 2022
+1 agree with all of the above. Lots of extra time required to review and change contacts inadvertantly assigned to allow the entire organization to more
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