
Member since ‎Mar 11, 2022
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Kim Jonsson

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KJonsson on March 14, 2023
Hey everyone, I made a list. Now I want to manually add one specific company to this list. Somehow this seems difficult to do. It seems lists only want me to use filters, which is completely uninteresting and unnecessary. Anyone explain how read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
March 15, 2023
I don't believe I did "shoot" you. I simply tried clarifying your answer. I want to add a company to a list - any list - without adding a more
KJonsson on March 14, 2023
Hey everyone, I made a list. Now I want to manually add one specific company to this list. Somehow this seems difficult to do. It seems lists only want me to use filters, which is completely uninteresting and unnecessary. Anyone explain how read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
March 15, 2023
I don't believe I did "shoot" you. I simply tried clarifying your answer. I want to add a company to a list - any list - without adding a more
KJonsson on March 14, 2023
Hey everyone, I made a list. Now I want to manually add one specific company to this list. Somehow this seems difficult to do. It seems lists only want me to use filters, which is completely uninteresting and unnecessary. Anyone explain how read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
March 15, 2023
I don't believe I did "shoot" you. I simply tried clarifying your answer. I want to add a company to a list - any list - without adding a more
KJonsson on January 18, 2023
When I send a quote to a customer I start a sequence of reminder emails that are automatically sent to the customer. Previously, when I close the deal and change the deal in hubspot from "Open" to "Closed - Won" the customer would be un-enrolle read more
KJonsson on October 28, 2022
I'm designing my own quotes templates. I would love to have a big "ACCEPT" button at the end that customers could click to accept the quote. No digital signing. Just a button. Any solution to this?
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 09, 2022
Hey, so what would this button actually do? Would you mind explaining before I try it? Thanks.
KJonsson on October 28, 2022
I'm designing my own quotes templates. I would love to have a big "ACCEPT" button at the end that customers could click to accept the quote. No digital signing. Just a button. Any solution to this?
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 09, 2022
Hey, so what would this button actually do? Would you mind explaining before I try it? Thanks.
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