
Member since ‎Mar 11, 2022
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Fuchsbau on March 05, 2024
dann hänge ich mich mal an diesen Beitrag an und habe eine weitere Frage. Auch ich bin Hubspot starter Nutzer. Wie kann ich denn die CSS Datei von z.B. Landingpage-Vorlagen verändern? In meinem Beispiel nutze ich das Design Basic_v2. Auc read more
March 06, 2024
Hallo Mia, danke dir für den neuen Beitrag. Wenn das Thema häufiger aufkommt, lass uns doch eine Tutorial erarbeiten um das Thema custom css in more
Fuchsbau on March 05, 2024
dann hänge ich mich mal an diesen Beitrag an und habe eine weitere Frage. Auch ich bin Hubspot starter Nutzer. Wie kann ich denn die CSS Datei von z.B. Landingpage-Vorlagen verändern? In meinem Beispiel nutze ich das Design Basic_v2. Auc read more
March 06, 2024
Hallo Mia, danke dir für den neuen Beitrag. Wenn das Thema häufiger aufkommt, lass uns doch eine Tutorial erarbeiten um das Thema custom css in more
Fuchsbau on March 11, 2022
Hey, i´ve got a problem with the Avada Wordpress Theme and Hubspot. I connected the Avada Theme to a old (wrong) Hubspot account and everything was working fine. After I disconected the wrong acount and connect my Wordpress Site to the new read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
March 17, 2022
With the help of the Hubspot Support we could fix it! There seems to be an issue with the Form-Mapping in the Avada Form Builder. Avadas " more
Fuchsbau on March 11, 2022
Hey, i´ve got a problem with the Avada Wordpress Theme and Hubspot. I connected the Avada Theme to a old (wrong) Hubspot account and everything was working fine. After I disconected the wrong acount and connect my Wordpress Site to the new read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
March 17, 2022
With the help of the Hubspot Support we could fix it! There seems to be an issue with the Form-Mapping in the Avada Form Builder. Avadas " more
Fuchsbau on March 11, 2022
Hey, i´ve got a problem with the Avada Wordpress Theme and Hubspot. I connected the Avada Theme to a old (wrong) Hubspot account and everything was working fine. After I disconected the wrong acount and connect my Wordpress Site to the new read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
March 17, 2022
With the help of the Hubspot Support we could fix it! There seems to be an issue with the Form-Mapping in the Avada Form Builder. Avadas " more
Fuchsbau on March 11, 2022
Hey, i´ve got a problem with the Avada Wordpress Theme and Hubspot. I connected the Avada Theme to a old (wrong) Hubspot account and everything was working fine. After I disconected the wrong acount and connect my Wordpress Site to the new read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
March 17, 2022
With the help of the Hubspot Support we could fix it! There seems to be an issue with the Form-Mapping in the Avada Form Builder. Avadas " more
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