
Member since ‎Mar 10, 2022
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Travis Drucker

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LucasM on December 23, 2019
In conjunction with the ability to only send emails during the weeks days, it would also be nice to set blackout days or do not send days for email sequences. The process would be something like the following. Under the settings panel, an admin read more
48 Replies
September 01, 2022
We need this to be implemented and an option to set sending time for emails/sequences.
KarthikC on April 03, 2020
We really need better reporting for sales (one-to-one) emails. Even a basic how many emails were sent & by who, how many opens/clicks in a given span of time are not readily available. By comparison, marketing email metrics and reports are read more
51 Replies
April 06, 2022
Yes, need to track one-to-one emails sent from different domains. This will help salespeople to improve efficiency a lot.
TDrucker on April 06, 2022
How to create a report to track individual salespeople's performance? We are using Outlook and Gmail to send emails with the HubSpot extension added in it already. My sales colleagues are sending emails one-on-one (NOT using workflows or sequence read more
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JBeadling on April 09, 2021
It's great that we can see the errors in a workflow, but it would be even better if we could clear them from the New Workflow Error Tab. For example, I have an error messages based on a contact unsubscribing, so obviously, the email could not be read more
37 Replies
March 10, 2022
Yes, I agree to this. We need a way to remove error (esp when contact has no email id) workflow from the error tab.
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