
Member since ‎Mar 8, 2022
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Hubert from Zeffy

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jasonrychter on July 20, 2022
It would be wonderful if the HubSpot platform had send time optimization. For example, Iterable has this functionality, where you can set an email to deploy over a period of up to 24 hours. This is based on machine learning, where people receive em read more
12 Replies
May 28, 2024
I agree, this would be extremely helpful
HFanneau on April 16, 2024
I use several workflows with branches. I would like to see the path that leads followed in my workflow. Not for each single lead, but on a more global basis. For example, let's say a workflow has 3 branches, I'd like to see among all leads tha read more
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HFanneau on July 21, 2023
I would like to be able to AB test different email workflows. For example, I want to send 50% of my leads in Workflow A and 50% in workflow B. I imagine it as using a feature similar to "rotate record to owner" so that I can create a separeate read more
1 Reply
C-Note on December 12, 2018
I really need the ability to create reports using OR filters instead of just AND filters. For example, we use fields like AC1 and AC2 when a contact has multiple accounts. When I create a report, I want to be able to see if there are customers wit read more
132 Replies
August 02, 2022
Please do that, that is really limiting otherwise.
1975920 on January 11, 2017
Hello, Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you!
208 Replies
March 08, 2022
I really support this idea too. It is quite painful to change the signature manually in the profile settings when you want to enroll from a more
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