
Membro desde ‎mar 4, 2022
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DParker-Jones on Maio 19, 2022
Being able to create sub-campaigns e.g a campaign within a campaign. This would be helpful with large campaigns if it is based on for example manufacturers and then sub campaigns for the different types of manufacturers you are then working/ema Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Dezembro 15, 2023
Definitely would be a feature we would use and definitely should be in there to measure large campaign effectiveness for multiple channels and focus ...Leia mais
vic113 on Janeiro 27, 2021
I'd like to edit the meta-info of my posts in a csv and then upload it to Hubspot to update titles and meta-descriptions in bulk. For SEO people, it is very useful managing this info from a csv file so I can update or optimize my CTRs easly, so Leia mais
23 avaliações positivas
16 Respostas
Setembro 07, 2023
+1000 on this. My team are going through big changes currently and it is a slow and laborious chore.
cullenwebster on Outubro 11, 2021
Our team is needing a way to limit which units a particular user or team is assigned to. For example, if we have a team member who does support for one of our units and not another, I need to find a way to limit their access only to the unit they su Leia mais
216 avaliações positivas
41 Respostas
Dezembro 16, 2022
We have external agencies working on certain brands and we do not want to give permission for them to access other business units as they should not ...Leia mais
dvlachos on Maio 14, 2021
I often pull data straight from Hubspot for executive presetnations. What would make this even easier, is if I could load my color pallet into Hubspot and use it for reports and dashboards, etc... I think the ability to say load a microsoft th Leia mais
108 avaliações positivas
36 Respostas
Junho 24, 2022
+1000 Also, customisable colours thay remain consistant across sources. At the moment each chart has different colours on every channel if you ad...Leia mais
JJones9 on Junho 03, 2021
This feature would allow for dashboard revenue reporting in HubSpot to reconcile to other financial systems, and ensure that the reporting is accurate. Currently the rates have to be manually updated every day, and unless the dels are closed in Hub Leia mais
22 avaliações positivas
9 Respostas
Junho 21, 2022
Hi, I have just inherited a Hubspot system where all retrospective deals have been pulled in from Salesforce and had the wrong (reverse) exchange...Leia mais
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