
Member since ‎Mar 3, 2022
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TGJW on July 19, 2023
Im trying to do association between two object in workflow and Im able to trigger it inside the documentation page however the coding will not work in visual studio code or Hubspot workflow custom code read more
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1 Reply
August 17, 2023
Thank you for the reply, yes after change to create_default it work.
TGJW on July 19, 2023
Im trying to do association between two object in workflow and Im able to trigger it inside the documentation page however the coding will not work in visual studio code or Hubspot workflow custom code read more
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1 Reply
August 17, 2023
Thank you for the reply, yes after change to create_default it work.
YoussefB on January 18, 2022
The custom object is a really cool feature from Hubspot, but after creating multiple objects, as a superadmin, you start thinking, who from your team can have access to this object or that one. But UNFORTUNATELY, its not possible git give access to read more
November 07, 2022
Following up with this Idea function. We also need this feature.
TGJW on June 10, 2022
I am trying to use custom code create Enumeration data output and copy it insert into another HubSpot property to store data. and here is the output. not sure is Enumeration output setup like this is correct need help on this image 1. and image 2 is read more
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