
Member since ‎Mar 1, 2022
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Jennifer Ward

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Neal on September 05, 2019
With personalisation tokens we can inset text into emails based on the relevant contact, company etc data. However at the moment if you have a multi line text field with line breaks and paragraphs, this formatting will show correctly in HubSpot on read more
32 Replies
May 15, 2024
I may be late to the party, but if you use a Rich Text field instead of a multi-line field, it seems to work.
Neal on September 05, 2019
With personalisation tokens we can inset text into emails based on the relevant contact, company etc data. However at the moment if you have a multi line text field with line breaks and paragraphs, this formatting will show correctly in HubSpot on read more
32 Replies
May 15, 2024
I may be late to the party, but if you use a Rich Text field instead of a multi-line field, it seems to work.
mvm on April 06, 2018
Currently we can not tell WHY people unsubscribe. There is no report to generate about the why. MaillChimp had that feature. Feature request is to add a drop down with reasons unbsubscribers can pick from as soon as they hit the unsubscribe link read more
28 Replies
December 05, 2023
Many other platforms have this functionality available. It is shocking to know that the leading automation platform has not yet developed this more
TAMarketing on February 19, 2020
There is no ability to resend the email to non-openers in Hubspot. Many other marketing email platforms (e.g constant contact) offer this. It is frustrating to first build a list of non-openers and then resend, which happens to be the workaround.
22 Replies
February 16, 2023
We really need this. We have unhappy clients who have moved from the other platforms that offer this feature. Please make it standard in all plans! more
JJohnston5 on March 25, 2022
It would be helpful if in a starter package, we could have a feature that automatically sent the original email again to people who had not opened after five days or so.
3 Replies
February 16, 2023
Agree. We have clients who come from other mail platforms that really need this feature and miss it.
cfinsness on June 02, 2022
I am trying to create a custom Meeting reminder email and would like to insert the Hubspot token "Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool" which is actually a Date Time. When I try to put it into an email template, however, it only renders the read more
8 Replies
September 13, 2022
Totally agree. What good is it to be able to add in the date of the last booked meeting into an email if it doesn't include the time? The data is more
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