
Member since ‎Feb 24, 2022
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BradJolly on January 19, 2021
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help with getting a shareable link for emails we sent out. I've already read over this thread which seems to suggest you can't do it for previous emails (unless you clone it), as you can only do it as you read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 24, 2022
Hi Karsten, Thanks so much for the help with troubleshooting. It looks like we didn't turn the web version on for both versions of the email, more
BradJolly on January 19, 2021
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help with getting a shareable link for emails we sent out. I've already read over this thread which seems to suggest you can't do it for previous emails (unless you clone it), as you can only do it as you read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 24, 2022
Hi Karsten, Thanks so much for the help with troubleshooting. It looks like we didn't turn the web version on for both versions of the email, more
BorisGodizzi on October 16, 2019
Hello, I would like to know if and how is possible to share on the social networks (FB and Linkedin mainly) a Company's newsletter already sent to all the customers in the mailing list. I'm new on Hubspot and I'm coming from Mailchimp, where with read more
1 upvote
11 Replies
February 24, 2022
Hi @jennysowyrda , Question for you - is there a way to access the web version link after the email has been sent? I fully understand how more
BradJolly on January 19, 2021
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help with getting a shareable link for emails we sent out. I've already read over this thread which seems to suggest you can't do it for previous emails (unless you clone it), as you can only do it as you read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 24, 2022
Hi Karsten, Thanks so much for the help with troubleshooting. It looks like we didn't turn the web version on for both versions of the email, more
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