
Member since ‎Feb 22, 2022
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James Garnaut

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jgarnaut on November 29, 2022
The fact that you have to manually jump through hoops to add a domain to a deny list is a joke. I want to opt spam out and then delete the contact and be done with it. But of course, when you delete the spam contact, the opt out is also deleted, end read more
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parryp on November 01, 2018
Hubspot currently has a feature that allows users to set up recurring emails of a chosen Dashboard. Hubspot also has a feature that allows users to create custom reports, and export them to Excel. I want to be able to set up recurring emails of read more
40 Replies
April 26, 2022
This is a no brainer. HS - Give us the ability to setup a recuring email which contains a link to an excel export of a report. The fact that more
jgarnaut on February 24, 2022
If a contact has many events in their activity timeline it can take a long time to scroll to the bottom. A simple "go to bottom" button would eliminate this issue.
jgarnaut on February 24, 2022
If a contact has a linkedin URL in their property, would be great if linkedin could periodically check that their current position listed in their linkedin bio is still the same company referenced in the contacts hubspot company field. If there was read more
jgarnaut on February 22, 2022
Please create the ability to trigger workflow based on contact interaction with marketing email that's linked to a particular campaign. This will enable me to have a workflow that can change particular contact property fields based upon there intera read more
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