
Member since ‎Feb 16, 2022
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Bhumika Bhatia

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Bhumika_Bhatia on November 17, 2023
Hi there, Any datasets experts in here who can help me. I would like to attribute a £xx value to any conversion of xx onboarding workflow, and count it towards a xx campaign. The thought process: We are trying to build a H read more
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2 Replies
bwils811 on June 23, 2020
Are the email data statistics available in custom reports and dashboards? If so, I cannot find them. It would be nice to build reports with basic email stats (Opens, CTR, Bounces, etc.) that are tied to groups of emails, perhaps a folder of emails o read more
57 Replies
August 05, 2022
I echo the same very much needed! It would be good to have more flexibility to report email performance for the list of emails. Regards, Bhumika
Bhumika_Bhatia on May 05, 2022
Hi, I am looking at building 4 properties on a companies record 1. Contract End Date - Product X (Date Property) 2. Contract End Date - Product Y (Date Property) then below properties which should automatically gets updated based on the abo read more
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1 Reply
Bhumika_Bhatia on May 05, 2022
Hi, I am looking at building a pie chart which shows: - % of customers who have received less than 5 emails within the last 30 days - % of customers who have received less than 5-10 emails within the last 30 days - % of customers who have re read more
karstenkoehler on March 14, 2022
Hi there! At the moment, there isn't any option to exclude employee activity from counting towards forms analytics, marketing email analytics or campaign analytics. For the general web analytics this can be done by excluding IP address read more
March 17, 2022
This will be so useful for us too. For one of our campaigns we can see 2 form submissions - there our details i.e. but thats just us testing...and more
Yanik on March 12, 2020
Hi, Would be really useful to have the option to create custom report to track ads campaign performance. Currently, the only option is to use the out-of-the-box ads (Marketing > Ads > Analyze). The problem with these standard reports is th read more
44 Replies
March 09, 2022
Another vote from us too.
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