
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Feb 10, 2022
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Camille Balhorn

HubSpot Strategist at HubSpot Partner Agency, Remotish!


MisterKennedy on March 18, 2023
Hi, is this scenario supported, and is there an easier way to bulk modify records? Is there a better "Hubspot way"? CONTEXT: the ops team I am working with is rapidly iterating and developing with a startup company. The company is without th read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 04, 2023
Hi MisterKennedy, You've proposed a sound solution. Either editing the CSV manually or using Excel functions that perform a "contains any of" more
JackHoch on March 03, 2023
I have a workflow that updates a contact's Lifecycle Stage and Lead Status when their company moves through our Deal Cycle. For example, say we win a deal with Company X: Company X's deal is then moved to the "Closed Won" deal stage, and all of Comp read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 04, 2023
I'll also clarify--you asked for full association of Contacts and Deals, but we might not need to make it that complicated. If the main goal more
JackHoch on March 03, 2023
I have a workflow that updates a contact's Lifecycle Stage and Lead Status when their company moves through our Deal Cycle. For example, say we win a deal with Company X: Company X's deal is then moved to the "Closed Won" deal stage, and all of Comp read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 04, 2023
I'll also clarify--you asked for full association of Contacts and Deals, but we might not need to make it that complicated. If the main goal more
Camille_Balhorn on July 12, 2022
New HubSpot users often start building reports based on previous knowledge. For many, this means treating HubSpot custom reporting like reporting in Excel. One functionality that has come up recently is the ability to customize how d read more
4 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 21, 2023
Thanks for the support, Lauren! I see how your use case also mimics excel, and isn't ideal to execute in HubSpot at the moment.
MMacdonald on July 13, 2021
1- every single person who works form the company level and not the contact level 2- to get an overview of what tasks are set at a company level (the same reason we associate emails to BOTH the company and the contact) 3- What value does adding th read more
5 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
March 15, 2023
Yes, and--if a task on the Contact could also connect to any open Deals associated to the Contact, just like when you make a task within HubSpot!
LBKoch on April 04, 2022
Has difficulty seeing the value of the hole new feature on the contact phone numbers, with "Phone number validation". On any contact persons, direct an mobile phone number. Has anyone found a possible solution, so not all numbers need to be manual read more
18 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 17, 2023
Hey LBKoch, I've found success importing these en masse since you posted a year ago! Option 1: Format all phone numbers in your more
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