
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 10, 2022
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Doug Marty

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


DMarty on Februar 10, 2022
We are a small non profit and are making the switch from spreadsheets to a CRM. I am new to HubSpot, but have used a number of CRMs in the past. One really common thing in non profits is the annual membership drive. This include five levels of me Beitrag ansehen
Februar 14, 2022
Thank you for the reply. We use Quickbooks. Do you have a monthly report from HubSpot for revenue?
DMarty on Februar 10, 2022
We are a small non profit and are making the switch from spreadsheets to a CRM. I am new to HubSpot, but have used a number of CRMs in the past. One really common thing in non profits is the annual membership drive. This include five levels of me Beitrag ansehen
Februar 14, 2022
Thank you for the reply. We use Quickbooks. Do you have a monthly report from HubSpot for revenue?
DMarty on Februar 10, 2022
We are a small non profit and are making the switch from spreadsheets to a CRM. I am new to HubSpot, but have used a number of CRMs in the past. One really common thing in non profits is the annual membership drive. This include five levels of me Beitrag ansehen
Februar 14, 2022
Thank you for the reply. We use Quickbooks. Do you have a monthly report from HubSpot for revenue?
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