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Andreas Wessolly


Punch on Agosto 03, 2023
I was hoping to A/B test my header and footer using native hubspot. However, A/B testing with native hubspot for global elements is not possible. I was wondering if anyone else has run into this issue? If so, are there any alternatives or use cases Leia mais
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2 Respostas
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Agosto 04, 2023
Hi @Punch , to be honest, i am ot sure if it is worth your time and effort to A/B test different headers and footers. Apart from that, there are a ...Leia mais
jestlinbaum on Julho 12, 2023
When using (for instance) a standard HubSpot rich text module in a drag and drop template. There is the ability to adjust styles based on desktop / mobile. Is there a way to incorporate that same behavior when building/using a custom module? Right n Leia mais
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Julho 13, 2023
Hi Jestlinbaum, i just tried it in my theme and it looks like it is only possible for now to have seperate values for those in your Screenshot: Visi...Leia mais
RVaughan on Julho 19, 2022
pretty please create one otherwise its a mine field working multi tabs in browser 😞
1 avaliações positivas
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Julho 20, 2022
@RVaughan , can you please explain why you consider working in multiple tabs ( is this necessary?) a "minefield"? How would a Desktop App be b...Leia mais
AndrewinKC on Junho 02, 2022
We have a compliance requirement to remove blog posts from our website after a set period of time. It would be nice to add the expiration/unpublish functionality that we currently have with landing pages to blog posts. For example, Set expirat Leia mais
10 avaliações positivas
10 Respostas
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Junho 15, 2022
@tonypeter , i agree, compliance often approaches things with the attitude:"Doesn´t matter, if we want it that, it gets done like that." So somethi...Leia mais
Jin on Maio 31, 2022
Filing on behalf of a customer - Hi team, it'd be amazing if we could consider implementing a functionality where customers can disable some of the options on a dropdown form field whilst still having them displayed (ie. certain options gre Leia mais
14 avaliações positivas
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Junho 03, 2022
Hi @Jin , this approach might have several negative Accesibility Implications: 1) a " greyed out" Option might not have enough contrast ratio to...Leia mais
AndrewinKC on Junho 02, 2022
We have a compliance requirement to remove blog posts from our website after a set period of time. It would be nice to add the expiration/unpublish functionality that we currently have with landing pages to blog posts. For example, Set expirat Leia mais
10 avaliações positivas
10 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro
Junho 15, 2022
@tonypeter , i agree, compliance often approaches things with the attitude:"Doesn´t matter, if we want it that, it gets done like that." So somethi...Leia mais
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