
Member since ‎Feb 8, 2022
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Tiziana Ziesing

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TZiesing on November 27, 2022
Hi there, Hope someone can help me with the followin issue: I created a custom object via the api (at a time when it wasn't possible in the system itself) and added the needed associatio in an array: "associatedObjects": [ "CONTACT", "COM read more
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TZiesing on November 24, 2022
Hi there, I am trying to set up an association between contact and custom object but I am wondering what the right "objecttype" would be? I assumed it would be the name of the custom object but it gives me an error. Does anyone has a hint what I a read more
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ZSpl on October 19, 2022
I'd like to know if there's a way to set up webhook failure notifications. Or if there's some way to retrieve webhook log data through the HubSpot API.
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November 11, 2022
HI @LMeert Great solution. Not sure How you got the error property in the dropdown? May you provide some details? Thx
jackcoldrick on July 23, 2020
HubSpot provides a number of different APIs and in addition to that we also offer the option of leveraging webhooks. This post discusses this in more detail and also elaborates on different methods of implementation. You can learn more about how th read more
30 Replies
November 08, 2022
@jackcoldrick Hi Jack, Thanks for providing this information. I would have an additional question: would a webhook request within a workflow more
TZiesing on October 27, 2022
Hi there, we did some custom code modules to use in emails for our users but within this programmable email beta changes it now turns out that the custom modules are displayin pieces of code (javascript, python) in the preview of the editor. We ha read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
November 08, 2022
Thank you. I will.
TZiesing on October 27, 2022
Hi there, we did some custom code modules to use in emails for our users but within this programmable email beta changes it now turns out that the custom modules are displayin pieces of code (javascript, python) in the preview of the editor. We ha read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
November 08, 2022
Thank you. I will.
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