
Member since ‎Feb 7, 2022
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Mark Turner

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April 22, 2024
Hi, I've upvoted this too. From an accessibility (WCAG) perspective, I'd like to see the colour scheme improved and more configurable.
December 08, 2023
Really? I have a list with 310 items. If I add number 311 using patch and that's all that in the list I submit, it removes all the previous more
December 08, 2023
Hi, thanks for coming back to me. Yes, I'd already thought about doing things that way, using GET on the same property endpoint to get all the more
Mark_T on December 07, 2023
Hi, We have a dropdown select property within Deals that has 310 values. I've read the documentation for doing an update on a property, but it seems to suggest that you have to pass all the values that currently exist, plus the one you're go read more
Mark_T on July 19, 2023
Rasied as a result of a support ticket. What I'd like to see is item level permissions on a contact or deal. So, for example, a contact/deal is owned by a person in "Team A". The people in "Team B" can see the contact, but cannot see the details read more
February 27, 2023
Hi, I gave this a try. As suspected, it only triggers once, not on subsequent changes. Reenrollent is enabled, as suggested. To reiterate, I more
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