
Member since ‎Dec 20, 2017
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bpcharles on July 03, 2017
would love to get some feedback from those of you who build custom COS page and landing page templates for HubSpot ///// ** Here's a recording of us building the homepage in under 30 mins. [vide read more
January 05, 2018
Hi @bpcharles Looks really cool! A couple of questions: 1. On your website, there's a few screenshots of webpages built with Belch - more
RikkeMarieS on December 28, 2017
Hey fellow Hubspotters I'd like to add a link to our privacy policy next to the 'Email' label in our forms, as Hubspot has done on their own forms, but I can't figure out how. Elsewhere in the community users have suggested changing the styling read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
January 05, 2018
Hi @shearn Thanks a lot for testing this at your end - it's nice to know, that the problem only happens in my portal (though weird) 🙂 more
RikkeMarieS on December 28, 2017
Hey fellow Hubspotters I'd like to add a link to our privacy policy next to the 'Email' label in our forms, as Hubspot has done on their own forms, but I can't figure out how. Elsewhere in the community users have suggested changing the styling read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
January 05, 2018
Hi @shearn Thanks a lot for testing this at your end - it's nice to know, that the problem only happens in my portal (though weird) 🙂 more
RikkeMarieS on December 28, 2017
Hey fellow Hubspotters I'd like to add a link to our privacy policy next to the 'Email' label in our forms, as Hubspot has done on their own forms, but I can't figure out how. Elsewhere in the community users have suggested changing the styling read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
January 05, 2018
Hi @shearn Thanks a lot for testing this at your end - it's nice to know, that the problem only happens in my portal (though weird) 🙂 more
RikkeMarieS on December 28, 2017
Hey fellow Hubspotters I'd like to add a link to our privacy policy next to the 'Email' label in our forms, as Hubspot has done on their own forms, but I can't figure out how. Elsewhere in the community users have suggested changing the styling read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
January 05, 2018
Hi @shearn Thanks a lot for testing this at your end - it's nice to know, that the problem only happens in my portal (though weird) 🙂 more
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