
Member since ‎Feb 7, 2022
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Damian Knapp

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MSaurat on September 01, 2023
Hi, I'm not a developper of any sort but I'm trying to understand custom code for worflows. I'd like to be able to get the firstname & lastname of a contact when the email address looks like this "". I've used read more
October 05, 2023
Awesome - Ok. Thanks for getting my training wheels on with this. Its really helped me out.
MSaurat on September 01, 2023
Hi, I'm not a developper of any sort but I'm trying to understand custom code for worflows. I'd like to be able to get the firstname & lastname of a contact when the email address looks like this "". I've used read more
October 05, 2023
Awesome - Ok. Thanks for getting my training wheels on with this. Its really helped me out.
MSaurat on September 01, 2023
Hi, I'm not a developper of any sort but I'm trying to understand custom code for worflows. I'd like to be able to get the firstname & lastname of a contact when the email address looks like this "". I've used read more
October 05, 2023
Awesome - Ok. Thanks for getting my training wheels on with this. Its really helped me out.
DamianKnapp on February 07, 2022
I would really like buttons to have multiple functions. I recently started a marketing mailing list with potential customers and wanted just one button that does 3 things - 1.) Opt into mailing list 2.) Redirect to a page on our website 3 read more
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