
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 6, 2022
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    Die Freundesliste ist noch leer

Becky Knott

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April 24, 2024
This is something that is definitely needed. We run a membership / subsciption plan via our Hubspot Payments, and don't like having to email us, not...Beitrag ansehen
September 02, 2022
This should not only be a simple process to add in, but is also an ESSENTIAL piece of my workflows!! I sell memberships, and often people purchase o...Beitrag ansehen
August 20, 2022
I too believe this is a must have enhancement! We would utilize this for a couple of different things. One is that we sometimes want to offer a fre...Beitrag ansehen
August 20, 2022
Agreed, this is a MUST HAVE!! I bill my clients monthly for services. The services are provided based on a calendar month, and not a 30 day period....Beitrag ansehen
RKnott on Mai 02, 2022
In our case, we provide fitness training, and often this fitness training is in preparation for a specific race or event. These events are on a specific date. For example, we may put together a group of athletes that are training for a triathlon t Beitrag ansehen
RKnott on April 16, 2022
The standard receipt that goes out after a payment or subcription is created has both an email address and a phone number to contact if there are questions. There is no way to edit this receipt, and no way to remove the phone number, as phone numbe Beitrag ansehen
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