
Member since ‎Feb 4, 2022
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Claudia Abidar

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Jacob02 on April 01, 2021
Hi there, As a HubSpot user, I would like to analyse forms and their submission in the custom report builder . This was already possible in beta, but was unfortunately removed again upon release. Unfortunately, @JoeMayall 's solution to thi read more
May 26, 2022
Hi! This would be an amazing change. In our company, we need this because we want to separate the metrics of different forms, in order to know more
austinrose on April 07, 2021
In the Marketing Hub, under Planning and Strategy, then on the Calendar portion, you can create a task on the Calendar that is associate with a marketing campaign. Right now, as a Super Admin, I can only select No Type, Email, Blog, and Landing read more
27 Replies
February 17, 2022
Hi! We need this, I hope we can have this option available soon Thank you
ClaudiaAbidar on February 04, 2022
Choose the cover of the videos to be published on social networks with the hubspot content scheduling tool One of the things that social networks allow you to do with a native application is to be able to select the preview image that a vid read more
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