
Member since ‎Feb 2, 2022
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Brian Goosen

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YiRui_Chua on September 30, 2021
Hi team, Currently, when we log in, if we have mutliple accounts, the default portal is not the one that we "pinned". It would be great if we can make the default portal equal to the account that we pinned; would be really helpful especially if we read more
42 Replies
March 19, 2024
This is really odd for me, as it used to default to the one I use the most, and everything was fine. Then some time in the last few months it more
mhznetworks on August 17, 2021
Love the new SAVED SECTIONS for email blocks. But it would be great if those SAVED sections could be editable . As they are now, the content inside the saved section is locked once you save it.
31 Replies
January 04, 2024
This is dumb. You can't even rename them! It lets you give them nice long names, but the interface only shows about 15 characters (at least on my more
nmacdonald on May 04, 2018
I'm looking at our email overview results, , and I see that when set on all email types it also includes internal emails. I was hoping to be able to get an average open and ctr rate fo read more
44 Replies
April 12, 2022
This needs to be something we can set up for our supervisors, so when they go to look at how an email performed they aren't seeing the same few more
BGoosen on February 28, 2022
Is there a way to edit blog post tags that determines which one of the tags would be picked by this code? {% if post.topic_list[0].name %} <a href="{{ blog_tag_url(my_blog, post.topic_list[0].slug) }}" class="post__cat">{{ post.topic_list read more
0 upvote
12 Replies
March 24, 2022
No worries, I haven't worked on it for a bit, but I did make a little headway. I think with this latest advice I should be able to sort it out. more
BGoosen on February 28, 2022
Is there a way to edit blog post tags that determines which one of the tags would be picked by this code? {% if post.topic_list[0].name %} <a href="{{ blog_tag_url(my_blog, post.topic_list[0].slug) }}" class="post__cat">{{ post.topic_list read more
0 upvote
12 Replies
March 24, 2022
No worries, I haven't worked on it for a bit, but I did make a little headway. I think with this latest advice I should be able to sort it out. more
BGoosen on February 28, 2022
Is there a way to edit blog post tags that determines which one of the tags would be picked by this code? {% if post.topic_list[0].name %} <a href="{{ blog_tag_url(my_blog, post.topic_list[0].slug) }}" class="post__cat">{{ post.topic_list read more
0 upvote
12 Replies
March 24, 2022
No worries, I haven't worked on it for a bit, but I did make a little headway. I think with this latest advice I should be able to sort it out. more
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