
Member since ‎Feb 2, 2022
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Lucas Mirabeau

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LMirabeau on April 13, 2022
My idea is to be able to create and update deals based on form submissions. It's possible to create it right now, but any field that is not open text cannot import information from the form submission and requires extensive if-else branches. read more
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Anolan on July 11, 2017
Our organisation is made up of various companies & we would find it useful if there was an option to have a different unsubcribe page for each brand. The idea to have a fully branded subscription preference & unsubscribe page for each compan read more
April 04, 2022
Has this idea left the Close Beta? My organization's website has 5 different languages and we'd like to have unsubscribe pages for each of them more
gsatwik on January 17, 2020
The idea is to have a Multiple Select Drop-down, which can enable a form visitor to select multiple options for a property by clicking on a dropdown and searching for an option. This would essentially be an altrenative for Multiple Checkbox Field Ty read more
74 Replies
March 23, 2022
Upvoting this, would be extremely usefull.
lhardy on October 14, 2020
Now that we have the ability to do pop up CTAs within the pop up form module, I would really love to see the ability to track those clicks. Currently it is my understanding that the only tracking that happens on these are form submissions when you u read more
20 Replies
March 07, 2022
Agree with this. Tracking clicks in a pop-up shouldn't be hard. I tried UTM tracking, but I don't think it's correctly tracking everything
RafiPN on August 24, 2017
Often times we enter fake data into our own form to test workflows or we get spammed with fake accounts. I'd like the ability to delete form submissions so they don't impact the metrics.
410 Replies
March 07, 2022
This is my exact need. Do we know any time period for this?
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