
Member since ‎Jan 28, 2022
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Giovanni De Giovanni

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GDeGiovanni on June 03, 2024
Hi All, In our operations, we often need to build two successive CTAs: A "first-level" CTA for which we use the classic HubSpot form to capture all the properties we need to properly profile the lead. A "second-level" CTA , contained in the t read more
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IMatthews on May 25, 2023
Hi There, With the native HubSpot-Whatsapp integration we need to opt people into the Whatsapp subscription either: 1. Manually or 2. By having them send us a whatsapp message that just says START and nothing else which I doubt any will ever do read more
5 Replies
October 12, 2023
[UPDATE TO MY POST (AND POSSIBLE SOLUTION 🎉 )] I am updating the post I wrote below (about 30 mins ago) as I have discovered that more
DinDjarin on February 23, 2021
It's would be best if, like excel, the tables could include a row total to sum each row and the total column row. I don't see the point of only having column totals and letting the user/reader sort out the sum or having to create a second report to s read more
15 Replies
February 01, 2023
Another suggestion I would like to submit, is the option to resize the columns in the HS Pivot tables, instead of having them "locked" to a standard more
DinDjarin on February 23, 2021
It's would be best if, like excel, the tables could include a row total to sum each row and the total column row. I don't see the point of only having column totals and letting the user/reader sort out the sum or having to create a second report to s read more
15 Replies
February 01, 2023
Another suggestion I would like to submit, is the option to resize the columns in the HS Pivot tables, instead of having them "locked" to a standard more
GDeGiovanni on June 03, 2022
Dear all, more than an idea, I repute this is a request to fix a bug. Multicheckbox properties are made to host more than one value , when necessary. And, in fact, whenever you set a multicheckbox property value through a workflow, you are requ read more
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