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inigolekunberri on Februar 04, 2022
It would be great to have the possibility to prevent the automatic creation of contacts from our own company (employees). For example, a rule to exclude the creation of contacts by domain.
Juli 18, 2023
@MHolzer Thanks! That's the best workaround I've seen so far. Just made a workflow that triggers on record creation of contacts, checks for our doma...Beitrag ansehen
nicholasooo on September 11, 2019
Let's get some hotkeys for hubspot, especially for managing inbox messages. Quick scenario: you have a bot setup to auto-reply to messages so you have a lot that you want to close and go to next-message. Unfortunately, the message list and the " Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
Juni 13, 2023
@gualeee Please note that to vote properly, you've got to click the small "thumbs up" at the top of the thread.
DerrickCameron on Juni 22, 2020
At present, if you reply by email to a Ticket from the Ticket page, using the Shared Team Email address, HubSpot does not add the Team Signature. However, it does add the Team Signature if you respond to a Ticket from within the Conversation I Beitrag ansehen
80 Antworten
Mai 31, 2023
@spoole Consistent as in pipeline-aware? Meaning, a user can be member of several presets?
DerrickCameron on Juni 22, 2020
At present, if you reply by email to a Ticket from the Ticket page, using the Shared Team Email address, HubSpot does not add the Team Signature. However, it does add the Team Signature if you respond to a Ticket from within the Conversation I Beitrag ansehen
80 Antworten
Mai 31, 2023
@spoole Consistent as in pipeline-aware? Meaning, a user can be member of several presets?
aho94 on Mai 11, 2023
Hi, it'd be in line with most other ticketing tools that the creator of a ticket also auto-follows it, ie. gets notificatons about updates made to said ticket - at least/especially when the creator is internal to the company using Hubspot (= not Beitrag ansehen
nicholasooo on September 11, 2019
Let's get some hotkeys for hubspot, especially for managing inbox messages. Quick scenario: you have a bot setup to auto-reply to messages so you have a lot that you want to close and go to next-message. Unfortunately, the message list and the " Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
Juni 13, 2023
@gualeee Please note that to vote properly, you've got to click the small "thumbs up" at the top of the thread.
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