
Member since ‎Jan 27, 2022
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Azher Rubbani

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AzherRubbani on September 06, 2022
Hi We have 2 Amount properties in our deals piplines: Amount (local currency entered can be UK Sterling, CAN $, USD $, HK $, etc...) Amount in Company Currency (amount values converted in company currency which is AUD $) Within the Amount read more
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AzherRubbani on September 04, 2022
Hi We have 2 Amount properties in our deals piplines: Amount (local currency entered can be UK Sterling, CAN $, USD $, HK $, etc...) Amount in Company Currency (amount values converted in company currency which is AUD $) Within the Amount read more
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August 25, 2022
@mbrown By users do you mean create them as a contact?
August 25, 2022
Thanks @mbrown Let we check with the guys at Marketing and will advise back Thanks
AzherRubbani on August 25, 2022
Hello My B2B marketing dept are having toruble with our HUBSPOT CONTACT US FORMS which has stopped talking to our email inbox and therefore not registering the submission ( please see screen shot) I would be grateful for any help to resolved read more
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AzherRubbani on May 26, 2022
Hello I just wanted to find out is there a data restriction when we cut the data to look at the sent email metrics. The analyze tab is restricting day of data to 500 days. is there any way to change that? thanks Azher Rubbani - Sal read more
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