
Member since ‎Jan 24, 2022
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Robbie Maltby

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Yoshi on September 10, 2017
Currently, when files are sahred, the file can be downloaded by everyone who got shared with that specific document. However, there are certain times that we would not want the files to be shared. Thus, it would be great if we have an option t read more
135 Replies
March 31, 2022
Show / no show button. Can't be that difficult...?
jwood on December 06, 2019
Would love to have the ability to change the fields that the form on a Hubspot video collects. Right now it defaults to first name, last name, email. Want flexibility to remap to different fields, make certain fields mandatory, add more fields, redu read more
5 Replies
March 30, 2022
Yes, and also to make the form unskippable!
k8isgreat on June 28, 2017
I was under the impression that when a Deal is attached to a Company, the contacts would automatically be pulled into the "Contacts" box. I would love the contacts to automatically be added when a company is attached to a deal so that 1. It read more
101 Replies
March 24, 2022
It'd be great to get some community moderation in here. With all the new associations options, I can't see why this isn't being offered.
SunHigh on March 10, 2022
At the moment, HubSpot's contact tracking doesn't work with social ads when using the integration - which is a bit frustrating as when you connect the integration you don't have the option to switch this off for ad tracking. Suggest creat read more
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TSR on July 02, 2018
Hi All, We have recently been experimenting with all the HubSpot tools and they seem to be working well for us, But a big issue we have found is the inability to use our custom domains we have added as the link for our Document tracking and attac read more
75 Replies
March 01, 2022
Yes, hosting documents on a custom domain just feels a lot better - not to mention the valid secuity concerns raised. Plus, using the connected more
SunHigh on February 04, 2022
The HubSpot meeting invites are sent from via a hubspot email address. It would be better if they could be sent from our own connected sending domains.
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