
Member since ‎Jan 21, 2022
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Todd Sutter

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ToddSutt on June 14, 2022
Our sales team uses Playbooks as their primary tool for updating information about contacts as they communicate with them. They have very robust playbook properties to update about the contacts they talk to. We are now introducing Custom Objects for read more
9 Replies
September 20, 2023
For us, our Contacts are interested in certain Brands and we need to associate them to the Brands that they are looking at. We have had to upgrade more
C-Note on December 12, 2018
I really need the ability to create reports using OR filters instead of just AND filters. For example, we use fields like AC1 and AC2 when a contact has multiple accounts. When I create a report, I want to be able to see if there are customers wit read more
132 Replies
July 29, 2022
Please do this! You sent out a survey with obscure questions of what we want to see next when all we want is for you to fix the little things like more
ToddSutt on June 24, 2022
Hi, my company just upgraded to Operations Hub Pro for programmable automation. Generically, I would really like a resource where I can look up what functions are available to me in the @hubspot /api-client npm library. In node docs, they have some read more
ToddSutt on June 14, 2022
Our sales team uses Playbooks as their primary tool for updating information about contacts as they communicate with them. They have very robust playbook properties to update about the contacts they talk to. We are now introducing Custom Objects for read more
9 Replies
September 20, 2023
For us, our Contacts are interested in certain Brands and we need to associate them to the Brands that they are looking at. We have had to upgrade more
CaitlinRose on March 03, 2021
Allow a workflow whereby if a deal is associated with a company (and than cmpany has associated contacts), then the contacts are pulled and automatically assigned to the deal. This would also work the other way where if a deal had an associated read more
68 Replies
June 14, 2022
I believe I have a similar use case for this. I want to be able to associate Custom Objects to Deals in a workflow. For us, this would be assigning more
ToddSutt on January 26, 2022
Being able to include these timestamps in the export of properties would allow to sort by recently created properties or recently updated properties. This would be a good way to manage new properties that are created on Contacts/Deals etc., and read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
January 26, 2022
I need this personally because I am creating a new HubSpot system for a company that's an offshoot of a different company that uses HubSpot. I more
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