
Member since ‎Jan 20, 2022
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Livia da Silveira

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LdaSilveira on January 26, 2022
Hello! I'm trying to complete a practical exercise (create a blog post) for the CMS for marketers certificate. Even though I completed the following step. Its still saying I need to complete it. Please advise. Thank you!  
January 28, 2022
It looks like the issue got solved. Thanks!
WildflowerRu on May 08, 2020
Hi guys, I am trying to complete the SEO exercise on CMS For Marketers course, for certification. But I don't have access to any websites that I can optimise. I am taking this course to help me move onto a content marketing post. Without completing read more
January 27, 2022
Hi Christina- I running into the same issue as WildflowerRu. How can I complete this exercise if I don't have any website that I can opmitize? more
WildflowerRu on May 08, 2020
Hi guys, I am trying to complete the SEO exercise on CMS For Marketers course, for certification. But I don't have access to any websites that I can optimise. I am taking this course to help me move onto a content marketing post. Without completing read more
January 27, 2022
Hi Christina- I running into the same issue as WildflowerRu. How can I complete this exercise if I don't have any website that I can opmitize? more
LdaSilveira on January 26, 2022
Hello! I'm trying to complete a practical exercise (create a blog post) for the CMS for marketers certificate. Even though I completed the following step. Its still saying I need to complete it. Please advise. Thank you!  
January 28, 2022
It looks like the issue got solved. Thanks!
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
Blog posts enable you and your business to publish insights, thoughts, and stories on your website about any topic. They can help you boost brand awareness, credibility, conversions, and revenue. Most importantly, they can help you drive traffic to read more
742 Replies
January 21, 2022
I enjoy blog post that are clear, informative and relevant.
JBergquist on May 20, 2019
I'm trying to get certified on Marketing Hub, but my company does not have a HubSpot system and I can't afford a Pro license on my own. Is there a way to get a student / test license so I can get the certification without having to spend $800/mo on read more
January 20, 2022
Hello! do you how/where I can get a free 14 day trial on CMS Hub enterprise? I'm trying to complete the hubspot CMS for marketers centification. more
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