
Member | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jan 17, 2022
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Jessica MacAndrews

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TheoB on September 16, 2019
Hi there, it would be great to have better controls for user availability for chat. 1 - let us set different office hours for different chat flows We have offices in multiple time zones - California and London - these use different chat flow read more
28 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
January 31, 2024
This feels like a pretty standard tool for managing chat availability that isn't in place yet. Not having it makes it difficult for global teams to more
ARodrick on June 24, 2021
There should be more options to a task than "completed" or "not started". If we can allow sales reps to adjust and update the task status then it gives us more oversight. Would this be possible?
21 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
September 26, 2023
Task statuses are so nuanced that only being able to change them via automation or API is useless. There is not going to be a triggerable action more
robin_burkeman on July 31, 2019
Hi, I am a true Hubspot fan but find it ludicrous that it does not take marketing and sales to the final mile - to be able to report and monitor on key marketing metrics. For example...How to measure the different KPI's I have in my funnel ie: read more
44 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
August 09, 2022
I don't have words to express how disappointing it is that this feature is not supported since these are extremely vital and foundational metrics more
Arne on February 13, 2019
I was shocked when I had to find out that simple +-*/ fields are not included in HubSpot Pro level. Not even for a limited number of custom property fields. Simply NOT AT ALL. HubSpot SalesHub is a commercial software and lacking the ability t read more
14 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner
April 06, 2022
Yes! I would LOVE to see report-level calculations! Where I can take one column, multiplied by the next, and receive a percentage in the report more
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