A successful content strategy should include a promotional plan that doesn't just share your content but strategically shares content with the people who will benefit most from it. Keeping this in mind, what's your business's most effective promoti read more
Google and youtube have the most effective promotion channels because Google allows the company to share their content and charge other companies by ...read more
One of the best ways to learn content marketing is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other marketers, just like you. That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of content marketers to learn and grow better together! To g read more
Hey, Tho, glad to see you in HubSpot. My name is Tram Nguyen; I'm a Marketing major as well. I want to learn and exchange information with you if you...read more
A video can be an excellent tool for communication and promotion depending on how effective and engaging its content is. With this in mind, we’d love to hear your thoughts on what makes a video engaging. Please reply to this post and answer the bel read more
1. how to create successful video marketing content? 2. Yes, the video mention building trust with customers if your customers trust you, and most l...read more
A working title is something to "work" off of as you begin to write your post. Start here to narrow your topic down and focus on one angle. A broad term, like “social media,” could breed multiple blog post ideas like “top social media channels for l read more
broad title: how to attract consumer behavior knowing what they need and want what is the most essential need for the product? understand their b...read more
Having a process also allows you to think of ideas that may not be easily apparent. What's one thing you do to help come up with new ideas? How can you incorporate this into a repeatable framework (for yourself as well as those you collaborate with read more
Gather the raw material (information) Thinking, analyzing the raw material Asking why, what where, and how, revert the information Understand the ...read more
Your content creation process should be something that's clear, repeatable, and organized. It's important to evaluate your process from time to time to see how it can be improved (for you and those you collaborate with).
Before you create read more
In my perspective, to create good content, first, we have to have explicit conceptualizing content. That means we have to come up with ideas, and it ...read more
A place for social media professionals to share ideas, learn, network, and be inspired.
(function($) {
//selectors for hover card triggers
var allHoverCardTriggers = '.author-name-link,.friend-list .friend a,.username a,.avatar,.user-avatar,.author-img, .authors a, .messageauthorusername a, a.lia-user-name-link, .js-latest-post-by-from a, .user-online-list li a, a.UserAvatar, .customUsersOnline a, #authors a,.dashboard-followers a.user-name, .dashboard-following a.user-name,.author-login-wrapper a, .hb-leaderboard a, .author-img-floated';
// Forward calling page's URL params to endpoint URL as well, helps with testing!
var params = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams;
var userApiUrl = '/plugins/custom/hubspot/hubspot/hovercardendpoint?' + ((params.set('user_id', '') == []._) && params.toString());
var cardWrapper = $('.hover-card-container');
var error = false;
var thisUserID = '';
var thisUserLogin = '';
var userLink ='';
var cardTimer;
var leaveTimer;
function mouseenter(Elem) {
var thisEl = Elem;
cardTimer = setTimeout(function(){
var docWidth = $(document).width();
var rightSide = false;
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return false;}
var thisLen = (userLink).split('/');
thisUserID = (thisLen)[thisLen.length-1];
var thisCard = $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+']',cardWrapper);
var cardId = 'userProfileCard-'+ thisUserID;
var addAttr = thisEl.attr('aria-describedby',cardId);
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var distanceLeft = Math.round(thisEl.offset().left);
var bodyHight = $('body').height();
var topParam = '';
var bottomparam = '';
var position = '';
var className = 'topArrow';
if(distanceBottom < 300 ){
if(distanceLeft < 59){
var className = 'leftArrow';
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(301); var className = 'bottomArrow'; thisCard.removeClass('topArrow');
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45);
if(distanceLeft < 59){
var className = 'leftArrow';
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150);
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45);
if(thisCard.length && $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).length<1){
} else {
var ajaxReturn = '';
//just in case
//hover card wrapper markup
var rightArrowClass = rightSide?'rightArrow':'';
if(thisElTopOffset != "auto"){
topParam = 'px';
if(thisElbottomoffset != "auto"){
bottomparam = 'px';
var profileCardHtml = '';
//get the background
type: 'GET',
url: userApiUrl+thisUserID,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
ajaxReturn = data;
if($('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).length){
$('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).parents('div.profileCard').remove();
//uh oh - bail out!
}, 360);
function mouseleave(e) {
// glowingblue: When the user leaves the hovercard trigger, wait because the leaving could be
// to interact with the hovercard, if we don't wait it will just disappear...because
// we left the trigger, right...so we'll have another handler that check if the mouse is
// over the hovercard and if so clears this timer, so the card doesn't close here
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.profileCard[data-user="'+thisUserID+'"]',cardWrapper).length) {
} else {
}, 2400);
$(document).on("mouseenter focusin", allHoverCardTriggers, function(event) {
if(!($(this).parents().hasClass('custom-header'))&& !($(this).parents().hasClass('green-wrap'))){
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$(document).on("mouseleave focusout", allHoverCardTriggers, function(event) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
// glowingblue: Add handlers for when the users interacts with the hovercard, no closing!
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseenter', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseleave', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
if ( $(e.target).is('.profileCard[style*="block"]') ) {
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2400);
// glowingblue: add one global root level click handler to also close any visible hovercards
// if the user taps/clicks outside the hovercard
$(document).on('mousedown', function(e) {
if ( !$(e.target).parents('.hover-card-container').length ) {
(leaveTimer != []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$('.hover-card-container .profileCard[style*="block"]').each(function() {
(function($) {
var originalElementId;
function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) {
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while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
function errorDisplay(errType) {
var errAuth = '
To access this area of the Community, please log in.
var errAuthLogin = '
To access the HubSpot Community Champions program and complete opportunities, confirm you are logged in by clicking here. Find additional troubleshooting steps here
var noBadges = '
To start earning advocacy badges, go to the Community Champions advocacy program page and start completing opportunities.
var noAsks = '
Hooray! You\'ve completed all available opportunities. Check back in for more opportunities next month.